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Jed and Brendan’s Thoughts on Bring New Orleans Back

Local residents, afraid that their permit requests would be cut off, swamped the city planning office with petitions, and, a few days after the land-use committee’s report was issued, Mayor Nagin responded by opposing the proposed moratorium. A series of community meetings was held to discuss the recommendations of the various BNOB subcommittees for the next two months, and on March 20, 2006, the final BNOB report was issued. However, by this time it was clear that FEMA would not fund the estimated $7.5 million planning process that Manning and Kroloff had been tasked with overseeing. With no funding, BNOB effectively came to a halt, having done significant damage to the public’s trust in the planning process and failing to produce a specific list of projects to be funded with CDBG money.

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